Tag Archives: Orland Park Divorce Lawyer

Before You Hit Send: The Dangers of Texting Your Spouse During Divorce

Communication is the key to resolving just about any difficult situation in life, including the differences between spouses in a divorce. In fact, if you and your spouse can communicate effectively, you can save a great deal of time, money, and stress along the way. It is important to recognize, however, that there is such a thing as communicating too much, especially in today’s world ofContinue reading

Illinois Appeals Court Refuses to Order Pet Visitation

We Americans love our companion animals. According to estimates from the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), up to 47 percent of U.S. households own a dog and up 37 percent own a cat. This translates to between 70 and 80 million dogs and between 74 and 96 million cats with whom we share our homes and lives. But what happensContinue reading

Your Spouse’s Infidelity Could Affect Your Divorce

The feelings of betrayal and hurt that a cheating spouse can cause are almost indescribable, especially if the infidelity was seemingly out of nowhere. For many couples, such behavior can mean the end of the relationship. If this situation for you and your spouse, it is important to know how, if at all, cheating and infidelity can impact the outcome of your divorce. Not Grounds forContinue reading

Understanding Commingled Property in Divorce

Dividing marital property is among the biggest challenges for any couple going through a divorce. In fact, the difficulties often arise before reaching the division phase. Simply identifying marital property can prove to be an arduous process, due to the complexities of the law in Illinois and the way in which many married couples maintain their household finances. A large number of couples may find themselvesContinue reading

Spousal Maintenance Is Not Guaranteed in Divorce

In previous generations, marital and family relationships looked much different in many ways compared to those today. Many, if not most, relied on a single income—usually the husband’s—while the wife maintained the marital home and cared for the couple’s children. Divorce, although significantly less common than in today’s world, tended to leave one spouse—usually the wife—without the ability to provide for her own financial needs. SpousalContinue reading

Do We Need to Be Separated Before We Can Divorce?

Many couples, especially young couples, may not familiar with the various stages of the divorce process, at least as far as the law is concerned. You are probably aware with how such things usually occur from a practical standpoint, just by knowing people who have experienced them. A couple decides they can no longer stay together, one spouse moves out, and over time, they decide to proceedContinue reading

My Spouse Cheated; Now What?

There are few stronger feelings that one can experience than that of betrayal caused by an unfaithful spouse. Infidelity has always been a problem for married couples, and there seems to be no indication that things will ever really change. In fact, as technology continues to advance, new avenues and opportunities to cheat may only be making the situation worse for many couples. When youContinue reading

Divorce Presents Unique Challenges for Young Couples

The possibility of divorce is real at any age, of course, but many people tend to associate divorce with couples that are somewhat older. Some of these preconceptions may be driven by depictions on television and movies of mid-life crises driving couples apart in their forties and fifties. While such a situation may be a reality for some, for others, divorce may become necessary muchContinue reading

Drafting Your Own Divorce Settlement

For many couples, divorce is not the acrimonious war so often depicted in television and movies. That is not to say, of course, that contentious divorces do not exist; there are just many more amicable situations than most people would probably expect. In a large number of situations, especially with the proliferation of no-fault divorce, in which both spouses fully agree that divorce is the right optionContinue reading