Tag Archives: protecting children

Legal Guardianship of a Child

When a divorce involves children, it is not uncommon for parents to become entrenched in a lengthy, stressful dispute over parental arrangements regarding their children. Illinois courts always seek to allocate parental responsibilities—formerly known as child custody—based on considerations that will promote the child’s overall well-being. As a result, courts do not consider the mother to be the default parent following a divorce and will hearContinue reading

Help Your Children Live Guilt-Free After Your Divorce

We all know that divorce is a challenging process for all parties involved, but it can an especially difficult experience for children. Watching parents separate is hard, and the unknown future ahead of them after divorce can leave them feeling nervous and anxious. Of course, we know that children survive their parents’ divorces all of the time, and many of them go on to have healthier relationshipsContinue reading