Tag Archives: stay-at-home parent

Divorce Considerations for Stay-at-Home Parents

For many families, the thought of one spouse forgoing a career to stay home, care for the children, and maintain the home is a remnant of generations past. For others, however, such a situation may seem ideal—presuming, of course, that it was a mutually agreeable decision made by both spouses. While this type of scenario is much less common than it was a few decadesContinue reading

Going Back to Work After Divorce

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), approximately 40 percent of mothers with children under the age of 6 years old do not work outside the home. Considering the high number of divorces that occur each year in the United States, there are a large number of those stay-at-home mothers who will be forced to enter the workforce sooner than they may have planned whenContinue reading

Should Stay-at-Home Parents Expect Maintenance After Divorce?

While less common than in previous generations, there are still thousands—if not tens of thousands—of parents who do not work a traditional job, instead choosing to stay at home with their children. For these stay-at-home parents—primarily moms, if we are being honest—the prospect of a divorce can be incredibly frightening and overwhelming. Many stay-at-home parents have been out of the workforce for many years, and establishingContinue reading

Spousal Maintenance: The Case of the Stay-at-Home Parent

Whether by necessity or by choice, two-income families are certainly becoming the norm in today’s American society. In some situations, both spouses work hard to balance full-time careers with family responsibilities. In others, one spouse may work full-time while the other picks up part-time jobs to make ends meet, while still tending to the needs of the family and, possibly, children. There is, however, stillContinue reading

Re-Entering the Workforce after Divorce

Adjusting to a post-divorce life is often very difficult. While the divorce may have been absolutely necessary for the long-term health and happiness of both spouses, it can certainly have a major impact on their lifestyle and future. This can be especially true for a spouse who, during the marriage, was primarily a homemaker or a stay-at-home parent. The new family dynamic may mean that stayingContinue reading