Tag Archives: support order

Calculating Your Child Support Obligations

Over the last year or so, posts on this blog, along with countless others around the internet, have extensively covered the upcoming—now currently enacted—changes to the family law statutes in Illinois. These changes brought reform on an unprecedented scale to the state’s approach to divorce and child custody. Somewhat surprisingly, however, the existing laws that govern child support were largely left untouched. While efforts are currently underwayContinue reading

Understanding Your Child Support Responsibilities

If you are in in the process of getting divorced or separating from your child’s other parent, you probably realize that an order for child support is probably forthcoming. It is especially likely if the other parent has been granted primary residential custody. While, under Illinois law, both parents can potentially ordered to pay support, the vast majority of cases see the non-custodial parent paying support toContinue reading

Many Believe Illinois Child Support Model Needs Updated

As a society, there are certain values that unite most Americans, regardless of their political leaning or affiliations. Among these is the culture’s focus and care regarding the well-being of children. Every child should have the opportunity to grow up healthy and strong with the love and support of both parents, whether the parents are together or not. To that end, very few would everContinue reading