Tag Archives: grandparents

Rights of Grandparents When Raising Grandchildren

There are many different kinds of families. Grandparents in Illinois and the rest of the United States are playing increasingly important parts in the lives of their grandchildren. In some cases, a grandparent fulfills the role of primary caretaker for their grandchildren. But what rights do grandparents have when they look to take on such responsibilities? Legal Authority to Make Decisions When grandparents become involved in raisingContinue reading

Grandparents’ Rights to Visitation

The effects of a divorce or family separation on the life of a child can be rather significant. Often, the child must adapt to a new schedule of spending time with the important people in his or life, including aunts, uncles, cousins, and, in some cases, even siblings. What about grandparents? It is reasonable for one to think that grandparents must have some sort ofContinue reading

Grandparents’ Rights to Visitation

The effects of a divorce or family separation on the life of a child can be rather significant. Often, the child must adapt to a new schedule of spending time with the important people in his or life, including aunts, uncles, cousins, and, in some cases, even siblings. What about grandparents? It is reasonable for one to think that grandparents must have some sort ofContinue reading