Tag Archives: infidelity

Will an Illinois Divorce Court Punish a Cheating Spouse?

It is very difficult to know for sure what percentage of people have ever cheated on their spouse. Part of the reason is due to the various definitions that couples may have for “cheating.” What one person may see as unfaithful behavior, another person may not, and vice versa. From a practical standpoint, large-scale statistics mean very little to a person who recently discovered thatContinue reading

The Possible Effects of Marital Misconduct on Your Divorce

Couples get divorced for countless reasons. Some simply drift apart while others were never really compatible from the beginning. In some cases, however, destructive behavior on the part of one spouse leads to the eventual breakdown of the marriage. While the law in Illinois officially recognizes divorce on the grounds of irreconcilable differences, there are some ways in which marital misconduct could affect the process and yourContinue reading

Your Spouse’s Infidelity Could Affect Your Divorce

The feelings of betrayal and hurt that a cheating spouse can cause are almost indescribable, especially if the infidelity was seemingly out of nowhere. For many couples, such behavior can mean the end of the relationship. If this situation for you and your spouse, it is important to know how, if at all, cheating and infidelity can impact the outcome of your divorce. Not Grounds forContinue reading

My Spouse Cheated; Now What?

There are few stronger feelings that one can experience than that of betrayal caused by an unfaithful spouse. Infidelity has always been a problem for married couples, and there seems to be no indication that things will ever really change. In fact, as technology continues to advance, new avenues and opportunities to cheat may only be making the situation worse for many couples. When youContinue reading

Infidelity and Divorce: My Spouse Cheated, What Now?

There are few things in the world more difficult to describe than the hurt of betrayal associated with infidelity. The trust that is destroyed as a result may take years to rebuild, if it can even be restored. For couples who are dating, an act of infidelity can easily end the relationship. For those who are married, a cheating spouse can certainly precipitate divorce, as theContinue reading