Tag Archives: Joliet Family Lawyer

U.S. Continues to Work Through Issues Regarding Same-Sex Marriage

In the state of Illinois, same-sex marriage was officially legalized last year. Legislative efforts and the resulting Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act have allowed same-sex partners to marry since June 2014 in Illinois, but the rest of the nation has not been so quick to follow suit. Even following the landmark U.S Supreme Court decision this past summer which struck down same-sex marriage bans, some partsContinue reading

Infidelity and Divorce: My Spouse Cheated, What Now?

There are few things in the world more difficult to describe than the hurt of betrayal associated with infidelity. The trust that is destroyed as a result may take years to rebuild, if it can even be restored. For couples who are dating, an act of infidelity can easily end the relationship. For those who are married, a cheating spouse can certainly precipitate divorce, as theContinue reading

Child Custody and Moving Out of State

As a divorced or unmarried parent, it is certainly understandable that you will always be looking for an opportunity to improve your life. Finding a new and better-paying job, developing new relationships, or improving existing relationships with friends and family can all contribute to the health and well-being of both you and your child. There are times when such opportunities may even lead you toContinue reading