Tag Archives: lawyer

Thinking About Divorce Without an Attorney?

Since the advent of the internet, more and more individuals have become “do-it-yourself”-ers. Regardless of the project or task at hand, there are online resources available to help you figure out how to do it—everything from car repairs to home network management to self-paced study courses to gourmet cooking. In fact, a quick Google search of the abbreviation “DIY” returns more than 1.6 billion results.Continue reading

Know the Dangers of Divorce Without a Lawyer

As you approach the process of divorce, you may consider your situation and decide that you can do this. You do not need to spend extra money for some lawyer to fill out a few pages of paperwork and to file them for you, right? You and your spouse—despite the fact that your marriage is ending—get along well enough to get through the process without anyContinue reading

The Dangers of an Over-Aggressive Lawyer in Divorce

When you are faced with the possibility of divorce, you will need to choose a lawyer to help you through the process. While there is nothing in the law that requires you to hire legal counsel, navigating a divorce on your own is almost never a good idea. Selecting the right attorney, for most people, means finding a capable professional with whom they share values andContinue reading

Child Custody Modification: What Happens When a Parent is Convicted of DUI?

In the state of Illinois, if you are arrested and convicted for drunk driving, the consequences can be severe. Even a first offense drunk driving conviction not only results in a minimum of a year’s loss of license and heavy fine, but the guilty party can also face up to one year in jail. When people consider the consequences of drunk driving, one thing they oftenContinue reading