Tag Archives: Orland Park divorce attorney
Prenuptial Agreements and High Net Worth Divorce
According to various estimates, that there are approximately 4.9 million high net worth individuals in the U.S. at any given time. While there is no set dollar amount to determine a high net worth individual, or HNWI, the term is generally used to denote a person with substantial liquid assets. More than 60,000 HNWIs in the U.S. are considered ultra-high net worth individuals with assets of moreContinue reading
The Possible Effects of Marital Misconduct on Your Divorce
Couples get divorced for countless reasons. Some simply drift apart while others were never really compatible from the beginning. In some cases, however, destructive behavior on the part of one spouse leads to the eventual breakdown of the marriage. While the law in Illinois officially recognizes divorce on the grounds of irreconcilable differences, there are some ways in which marital misconduct could affect the process and yourContinue reading
Organizing Your Finances Before Divorce
Divorce is full of challenges, but few carry as much risk as those related to your finances. As such, it is critical that you understand how to effectively prepare for your divorce. Learn how to organize your personal finances, and what steps you can take to prepare for the process ahead. Gathering Important Documents Before you can determine what you want or may be entitled toContinue reading
Your Child’s Rights to Support for College Expenses
With high school graduation season right around the corner, many students and their families will soon be faced with the challenges of paying for college. The rising costs of a college education have been making headlines for years now, with the average tuition more than 15 times what is was just 35 years ago. A quality education, however, is no less important, and, in fact,Continue reading
Take Steps Toward an Amicable Divorce
The decision to end your marriage is, of course, not one to be taken lightly. Divorce should always be a last resort. On the other hand, when it becomes unavoidable or even necessary, it is possible to navigate the process with a sense of cooperation and civility, despite the reality of the situation. Around the country, and in Illinois especially, there is growing recognition of the benefitsContinue reading
Family Law Changes for 2016: Divorce
Throughout the last few months, various posts on this blog have been discussing some of the expected effects of the family law reform passed in Illinois in the summer. For the first time in nearly four decades, a large portion of the existing statutes regarding divorce, child custody, and parentage is being completely overhauled. With the effective date of the new provisions fast approaching—they are setContinue reading
Finding Happiness After Divorce
For some couples, marriage is an ideal situation. Each spouse is happy, content, and completely fulfilled with the relationship. For many others, however, marriage may be just the opposite. Each spouse may feel trapped, stifled, and suffocated. Divorce, obviously, is never easy, but is often necessary, and can open the door for both spouses in a bad marriage to build a new life, free from theContinue reading
Defending a Dissipation Claim in Divorce
There are plenty of challenging aspects to any divorce situation. In addition to the unquestionably difficult emotional turbulence, most couples must also deal with a number of practical considerations as well, including arrangements regarding children, spousal support, and the division of assets and property. While each process, of course, includes its own unique intricacies, the dividing of assets and property can, in many cases, set the toneContinue reading
Finding Hidden Assets in a Divorce
Property and asset division are two of the biggest issues that come with any divorce. Each partner contributed to the couple’s shared pool of assets, and when the couple decides to end their marriage, part of the process is to make sure these assets are divided fairly among the spouses. In Illinois, the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act does not require that marital assets be dividedContinue reading
Income Taxes and Divorce
There are so many important issues that people deal with while going through the divorce process – child custody and support, property and asset division, spousal support – that some of them sometimes get overlooked. Income taxes are among the issues that divorced couples tend to put on the back burner. However, with only a few short weeks left before the April 15th IRS deadline, there are several keyContinue reading