Category Archives: Divorce

My Spouse Cheated; Now What?

There are few stronger feelings that one can experience than that of betrayal caused by an unfaithful spouse. Infidelity has always been a problem for married couples, and there seems to be no indication that things will ever really change. In fact, as technology continues to advance, new avenues and opportunities to cheat may only be making the situation worse for many couples. When youContinue reading

Divorce Presents Unique Challenges for Young Couples

The possibility of divorce is real at any age, of course, but many people tend to associate divorce with couples that are somewhat older. Some of these preconceptions may be driven by depictions on television and movies of mid-life crises driving couples apart in their forties and fifties. While such a situation may be a reality for some, for others, divorce may become necessary muchContinue reading

Consider a Life Insurance Policy to Protect Your Children after Divorce

You have probably seen countless advertisements on television or online about the importance of planning for your family’s future. Of course, most such ads are designed to sell you a life insurance policy or other types of financial planning services. There is, however, an element of truth to what is being said: it truly is important to plan for the security of your family. ItContinue reading

Take Steps Toward an Amicable Divorce

The decision to end your marriage is, of course, not one to be taken lightly. Divorce should always be a last resort. On the other hand, when it becomes unavoidable or even necessary, it is possible to navigate the process with a sense of cooperation and civility, despite the reality of the situation. Around the country, and in Illinois especially, there is growing recognition of the benefitsContinue reading

Family Law Changes for 2016: Divorce

Throughout the last few months, various posts on this blog have been discussing some of the expected effects of the family law reform passed in Illinois in the summer. For the first time in nearly four decades, a large portion of the existing statutes regarding divorce, child custody, and parentage is being completely overhauled. With the effective date of the new provisions fast approaching—they are setContinue reading

When is Litigation Your Best Option in a Divorce?

Even though divorce cases are among the most emotional and divisive of all civil cases, the vast majority of them settle before ever going to trial. There are many benefits to settling a case before trial. Often, this can save on court costs and avoids the uncertainty of letting a judge decide the case. However, settlement is not always to best option. Sometimes, your rights are betterContinue reading

Developing a Sound Divorce Agreement

According to most estimates, somewhere between 90 and 95 percent of all divorces are negotiated outside of the courtroom. The remaining percent, as you might expect, are litigated often causing a high degree of stress and emotion for all involved parties. Of course, even a negotiated divorce can have its challenges, as reaching an agreement is not always easier, especially in contentious situations. The law regarding divorceContinue reading

Finding Happiness After Divorce

For some couples, marriage is an ideal situation. Each spouse is happy, content, and completely fulfilled with the relationship. For many others, however, marriage may be just the opposite. Each spouse may feel trapped, stifled, and suffocated. Divorce, obviously, is never easy, but is often necessary, and can open the door for both spouses in a bad marriage to build a new life, free from theContinue reading

Remember to Amend Your Will after Divorce

Do you have a plan for your property and assets in the event of your death? Will your estate be divided among several different beneficiaries, or will most—or all—of it be inherited by your spouse? For many people, leaving everything to their spouse seems like the most logical choice, and in large number of cases, that might be true. But what happens in the eventContinue reading

Drafting Your Own Divorce Settlement

For many couples, divorce is not the acrimonious war so often depicted in television and movies. That is not to say, of course, that contentious divorces do not exist; there are just many more amicable situations than most people would probably expect. In a large number of situations, especially with the proliferation of no-fault divorce, in which both spouses fully agree that divorce is the right optionContinue reading