All posts by kezylaw

Common Mistakes in a High-Asset Divorce

Divorce is rarely easy in any situation. It can be even more challenging, however, when there are substantial amounts of money or valuable property involved. The complexities presented in a high-asset divorce can lead to months and, in some cases, years of complications as a single mistake can literally cost you millions of dollars. Unfortunately, many people in the midst of a high-asset divorce fall victim toContinue reading

Non-Minor Support for an Adult Child With a Disability

Parents of a child with a disability or special needs often face tremendous pressures and difficulties. The emotional strain of raising a disabled child can, in many cases, even lead a couple to divorce. During the divorce process, determining the child’s best interests and allocating parental responsibilities can be extremely complicated. Depending upon the level of your child’s disability, such complications can continue even afterContinue reading

The Rights of a Father During Divorce

Many people have a misconception that during a divorce, the mother always takes the children. In Illinois, that just simply is not the case anymore. While, in the old days, this story may have rung true more often than not, times have changed and are continuing to change. Our firm is dedicated to helping any father who wants to be in the lives of hisContinue reading

Your Spouse’s Infidelity Could Affect Your Divorce

The feelings of betrayal and hurt that a cheating spouse can cause are almost indescribable, especially if the infidelity was seemingly out of nowhere. For many couples, such behavior can mean the end of the relationship. If this situation for you and your spouse, it is important to know how, if at all, cheating and infidelity can impact the outcome of your divorce. Not Grounds forContinue reading

Keeping Your Inheritance After Divorce

Inheriting assets following the death of a loved one can be a bittersweet situation. On one hand, it means that a friend or family member has died, which can obviously be tragic. However, receiving a family heirloom or proceeds from the person’s estate can be fairly exciting, and, depending on the size of the inheritance could provide a measure of financial security. But what happensContinue reading

Temporary Spousal Maintenance and Child Support Orders

When you start the divorce process, there is no way of knowing for sure how long it will take to reach a resolution. In the meantime, it can be very difficult to move forward in your life as you wait for the allocation of marital property and other inherent concerns. Financial obligations are often cause for concern in divorce as well, with issues of spousal maintenanceandContinue reading

Help Your Children Live Guilt-Free After Your Divorce

We all know that divorce is a challenging process for all parties involved, but it can an especially difficult experience for children. Watching parents separate is hard, and the unknown future ahead of them after divorce can leave them feeling nervous and anxious. Of course, we know that children survive their parents’ divorces all of the time, and many of them go on to have healthier relationshipsContinue reading

Same-Sex Couples Should Consider Prenuptial Agreements

Discussing a prenuptial agreement with your soon-to-be spouse is difficult, no matter your circumstances. Nobody likes to discuss the potential end of their marriage before the marriage has even begun. While prenuptial agreements may be an uncomfortable topic to discuss with your future spouse, there are a number of situations, including the marriage of a same-sex couple, in which having a prenuptial agreement is extremely beneficial.Continue reading

Understanding the Family Law Umbrella

Whether you have been searching for information on filing for divorce, looking for assistance with child support, or trying to learn more about spousal maintenance and how it works, you have likely come across the term family law along the way. So, what does it mean, and what areas does it cover exactly? What Does Family Law Include? Also referred to as matrimonial law, family law includes everythingContinue reading

Calculating Your Child Support Obligations

Over the last year or so, posts on this blog, along with countless others around the internet, have extensively covered the upcoming—now currently enacted—changes to the family law statutes in Illinois. These changes brought reform on an unprecedented scale to the state’s approach to divorce and child custody. Somewhat surprisingly, however, the existing laws that govern child support were largely left untouched. While efforts are currently underwayContinue reading